Ah ! France and its beautiful west side that I love! I lived in the Sables d’Olonne in the Vendée (West coast), in the pretty neighborhood of La Chaume for around a year. This is the “fishermen quarter” and it is a lovely spot.
I love this place, especially the fact that the quarter of La Chaume is very well placed: on one side there is the bay of Les Sables d’Olonne, and on the other the wild coast.
You can take the boat called “Le passeur” to cross the channel to arrive in the Bay of Les Sables d’Olonne. But I do not particularly like, because it is very touristic, and I do not like the changes that have been made in the bay, it’s very “Californian” and “hype”.
What I like is the wild side! We can walk along the ocean to the north and breath the fresh air and watch the nature. We arrive on the beach called “La Paracou” and then we continue and arrive on the beach called “L’Aubraie”. Here there is a small surf spot, and sometimes we can see some surfers practicing and taking the waves.

But today I will take you on a walk in the forest is reached along the roadside.

On foot, by bike, just breathe the air of pine trees, listening to the sound of birds and enjoying it :).

Either we continue for miles! We can go very far, but it must be equipped to begin your day :)
I have decided to walk an hour and get back on the beach of the Aubraie. I love this sight … And the salty smell. Happiness.

Currently it is still quiet, there is not a lot of tourists and we can move relatively freely around. But in summer, there are people everywhere here.

One can also walk in the dunes …

And at the same time enjoying the view on the ocean :

With that, I wish you a great day and I hope my little walk you enjoyed! :).
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